How to Change D-link Router Password
D-Link routers are one
of the most selling Wi-Fi routers in the world. Their specialized software
combined with efficient, but cheap products is the number one selling point.
The D-Link routers are not only found in America, but also in almost all tech
parts of the world, be it Russia, China, Europe or India. Changing the password
of your Wi-Fi router can be a bit difficult. To counter this problem, we have written
a small guide to help you out. The guide is given below.
Make sure you are connected to the internet before continuing any further.
- Click on your favorite browser and open up this website in a new tab: http://dlinkrouter.local OR
- Enter the following details into the login page that appeared in front of you.
Username: admin
Password: <blank>
- After logging in, Click on the Manual Internet Connection Setup, located at the bottom of the page. In case it is not appearing, click Setup at the top of the page menu, and then click on the Internet option on the left side.
- In the Internet Connection Type tab, select Dynamic IP (DHCP) option.
- Click on Wireless Setting sub menu option to proceed further.
- Now scroll to the bottom of the page and click Manual Wireless Connection Setup.
- Search for the text 2.4GHz Band. Below this, there would be an option to change the Wi-Fi Network Name. Change it as to your own liking.
- In the Wireless Security Mode submenu, select Enable WPA/WPA2 Wireless Security option to enable the password protected Wi-Fi network.
- After selecting the above option, a new tab will appear with additional settings to password protection. The Network Key field is the one containing your Wi-Fi password.
- Enter a strong password in that field and write it down on a piece of a paper, in case you forget it.
- Click Save Settings to save the password and wait a few minutes to let the router reboot.
now have successfully completed the process of changing your Wi-Fi password.